Opinione verificataHa partecipato il 24/06/2022
Trabajo actoral, de dirección y equipo muy bien cosido. Historia potente. Puesta en escena emocionante. Ojalá una muy buena gira por provincias que incluya Mallorca.
Opinione verificataHa partecipato il 24/06/2022
Los actores están de bravo!!! Es una obra de teatro que a la salida te lleva a debatir tus propios experiencias personales, yo me sentí identificado en muchos momentos de la trama
Opinione verificataHa partecipato il 23/06/2022
A production that just doesn't glow enough!
First of all, I would like to point out that what I saw at Naves73 theatre in Palos de la Frontera was the Spanish version of an original Broadway play that I have never seen so I cannot say whether t Leggere di più e Spanish director made any changes to the script or just translated it into Spanish. Strange to say I didn't get to understand one of the characters' name till I saw it written afterwards. What I heard was "Ios" ( or at least that's how the actors pronounced what was supposed to be "Josh"). I wonder why the director didn't change the names too if they were so hard to pronounce for a Spanish audience. Another thing that I didn't get to understand was why the actors spent most oftheir time on scene dressing and undressing to have sex. Isn't that an oversimplification of what gay sexual life really is? From the very moment I heard that the two married characters were having an open relationship I had no problem in predicting how it would end with the arrival of a third younger man acting as a catalyst to put the couple out of balance. All the usual elements of a long-standing gay couple were present: the boredom, the need to have a child by a surrogate mother and so on. I didn't really get into the story and somehow I couldnìt relate to any of the characters: I also wonder if these particular actors in the Spanish version were chosen for their physical prowess and attractiveness to a supposedly gay audience or for their acting abilities? Why not choose actors with an im-perfect, natural body instead of three gym studs tossing in bed to reveal their emotional failures? To sum it up, the performance didn't trigger any reactions in me and once the lights came up and the actors were given a goodly dose of applauses I just walked out with the impression of a midsummer dream turned into a nightmare.
Opinione verificataHa partecipato il 23/06/2022
Entrenada,sorpréndente y emotiva. Actores de diez.
Jose Manuel
Opinione verificataHa partecipato il 23/06/2022
Gran actuación de los actores y buen guión de la obra, se desnudan física y mentalmente.